Wednesday, November 5, 2014

PAATZ's Pollsters Were Wrong Too

It's Wednesday, November 5th.  We stayed up late last night anxiously awaiting election results.  Yes on Z polls said that support for Measure Z was above 70 percent.  Nevertheless, PAATZ publicly declared that her pollsters said there was no way Measure Z would pass. 

Truman couldn't defeat Dewey either. 

Perhaps the same pollsters who made the Dewey prediction also worked for the No on Z campaign. 

Measure Z passed in spite of needing a super-majority of two-thirds of the voters.  In fact, the numbers for renewing Measure Z were very close to the numbers voting for Measure Z in 2004.  I think this shows that the Fresno County community likes what it sees at Chaffee Zoo.  Low admission prices.  Spectacular exhibits.  Friendly staff.  Exciting animals. 

We can look forward to a "knock your socks off" African Adventure exhibit opening in September 2015.  (It would have already been completed had it not been for a few zoo detractors trying to stop the construction at every turn.)  Then be ready for more incredible exhibits with the renewal of Measure Z.   

Thanks Fresno for believing and seeing the vision of what can happen by spending an extra penny when you purchase a few burgers and fries for lunch.
  I am told that out of small things comes that which is great!  This is true of Measure Z and Fresno's Chaffee Zoo!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Who Supports Measure Z ... And Who Doesn't

As election day approaches, it is always interesting to see who supports a candidate, proposition, or ballot measure.  Often, we don't know the candidates or the ballot measures well.  Perhaps the campaigning and conflicting advertising causes confusion.  Thus, it is good to know whether people you know and respect are supporting or opposing a ballot measure or particular candidate.  It's an extra level of assurance that you are making the right choice. 

With that in mind, I invite you to compare who supports Measure Z and who opposes it.  I'll start with the opposition.  The list is short.  On the official No on Z campaign website, five people are listed. 

Another very interesting place to find supporters of a particular cause is on the Fresno County Elections website.   The No on Z Campaign Disclosure Statement for October 1 - 18, 2014 lists persons who have contributed to the campaign, and the amounts. 

It is interesting to note that the Disclosure shows $48,076.24 in contributions.  Of that, one donor has loaned the campaign $47,949.44.  I did the math on this and according to my calculator, one donor has financed 99.7% of the No on Z campaign. 

Compare the paltry community support for the No on Z campaign with the community support in favor of Measure Z.  A partial list of endorsements is listed on the Keep Our Zoo, Yes on Measure Z campaign website.  You can see all of the many people and organizations who have financially contributed to the Yes on Measure Z campaign on the Fresno County Elections website.

But that's not all.  The Fresno Bee says Measure Z should be a "slam dunk yes for voters.  In its October 17, 2014 edition, the Fresno Business Journal urged voters to "invest in Fresno" by voting yes on Measure Z.

Educators support Measure Z.  The zoo has been a great resource for our K-12 schools as well as for higher education such as Fresno State. 

Consider the many people of very diverse interests who support the continuation of Measure Z.  Be part of this great Fresno County community of supporters!  Be a proud supporter of Measure Z.  The zoo will be a treasure for us and for our families for many years to come!  Vote yes on Z!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Twisting the Facts ... Again

I read the Editorial in yesterday's Fresno Bee from PAATZ.  She claims, among other things, that she is voting no on Measure Z because the Omaha zoo is spending $2.5 million per acre on its Africa exhibit, which is much less than Fresno's cost per acre.  Really PAATZ?  Valuing the project by one factor -- the cost per acre?  It reminds me when you valued Sea Lion Cove by the gallons of water in the pool.  And look at that exhibit -- the nation's best! 

This is just another example of how PAATZ twists the facts. 

PAATZ fails to inform the reader that the Omaha zoo Africa exhibit will cost $70 million to construct.  Fresno's Africa Adventure will cost $56 million.  That's a comparative bargain! 

Let's also factor into the equation the cost of construction in California compared to Nebraska.  Perhaps a line from the Wizard of Oz (with modification) is appropriate:  "You're not in Nebraska anymore."

Moreover, we can't forget that we pay prevailing wages for those working on the Chaffee zoo exhibits.  Prevailing wages add significantly to the cost of a project.  But the trade off is that the construction at Fresno's Chaffee Zoo results in well-paying jobs to those in our local community. 

And by the way, while Omaha is a great zoo, our Africa Adventure exhibit will be much better!  Take a look at this video:  


Saturday, October 25, 2014

What Is PAATZ's True Motivation?

Honesty is not PAATZ's dominant character trait.  I was reminded of that when I received a second anti-zoo flier in the mail.

In case you have not heard, PAATZ is the name I gave to the Person Against All Things Zoo.  It is pronounced "Patsy."

PAATZ is a one-woman crusade to prevent Fresno County from retaining the one penny on $10 sales tax that is making Fresno Chaffee Zoo one of the world's great zoos.  The question is why would you oppose such a successful operation?  

From the fliers she has spent to mail out, PAATZ suggests that the tax is unnecessary because the zoo is self-sustaining.  Sure, the zoo can make it without Measure Z, but it will require big changes.  Admission will increase substantially and construction of new or improved exhibits will stop.  Yes, the zoo currently has several millions of dollars available but it is earmarked for the Africa exhibit. (So yes, PAATZ's claim that the zoo is sitting on millions of dollars is another one of her half-truths.)

But if PAATZ was only concerned about the tax, why has she opposed the zoo's renovation and expansion for the past 10 years?  Why did she oppose Sea Lion Cove?  Why did she oppose the number of gallons of water in the cove?  Why did she oppose the Master Plan?  Why did she oppose the underground utilities necessary to provide the exhibits?  Why did she oppose the zoo's expansion after Measure Z was in place?   I could go on and on.

If the retention of an insignificant tax is PAATZ's real concern, why has she opposed everything the zoo has done for the past decade?  The real answer must be something other than the tax.

It is time for PAATZ to come clean.  What is your real beef?  Your actions speak louder than your words.  Based on a decade of opposition, it is clear the continuation of a paltry tax is not the real reason you oppose all things zoo.  (No, that you may give the zoo $500 and then force the zoo to spend thousands of dollars to defend itself against your spurious claims does not make you a zoo supporter!)

That's my request.  Come clean.  Tell us the real reason you fight everything about the zoo.  It's time you try a dose of honesty.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Do You Want To See The Records? They Are Online

One of the allegations asserted by PAATZ, Person Against All Things Zoo, (pronounced Patsy), is that ZooCorp does not provide adequate records of expenditures of Measure Z funds.  PAATZ just doesn't get it.  (Nor can she read financial documents anyway as evidenced by the non-sensical comments she makes at Fresno Zoo Tax Authority meetings.) 

ZooCorp provides thousands of documents to the Tax Authority in order to receive payment.  If you would like to see these documents, I invite you to review this website.  This is the website maintained by the Tax Authority showing all of the documents related to Measure Z.  It includes Measure Z language, contracts between the Tax Authority and ZooCorp and copies of all requests for distribution of funds. 

Take a look at the particular requests.  This one 
contains 95 pages of information.  It shows the work performed.  It shows the amount of money budgeted to projects, and the amount of money left for projects.  It includes a detailed billing report and certification by the contractor of the work performed.  It is nauseatingly detailed and complete. 

My law partner tells me, "The devil is in the details."  Of course, that is his way of encouraging us to be detailed and thorough.  ZooCorp and the Tax Authority have taken this to heart.  The prepare and review very detailed reports.  And look at the results.  An award-winning zoo!   

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Payroll Is Out Of Control ... Not

I continue to marvel at the one person who is funding No on Z and who is the "primary adversary of all things zoo."  She is upset that the wages paid to every employee who works for the zoo is not provided to her for her review.  Frankly, I'm glad the zoo doesn't publish everyone's salary.  Give them some privacy!  They don't work for the government.  And just because the government funds some of the operations does not mean employees waive their privacy rights.  We don't require that of other organizations receiving public dollars. 

You might think that a person who makes such a demand is an HR professional who is familiar with salaries paid to workers in the industry.  No.  She is not. 

Then why does she need that information?  She claims it is because we have a "City of Bell" problem with the zoo.  What is the basis for that claim?  The only thing she has ever said is that payroll has doubled since the zoo started its expansion and renovation. 

What happened in Bell?  City officials boosted their personal salaries without council approval.  Those salaries ranged from bout $400,000 to about $800,000.  Even city council members were receiving about $100,000 per year for part-time work according to the LA Times. 

So is the "primary adversary of all things zoo" claiming that salaries of zoo personnel are in the same range?  Is she suggesting that someone (or somebodies) at the zoo are paying themselves half a million dollars?  That's exactly what she is saying.  It wouldn't be so bad if she had an ounce of proof.  She doesn't. 

So why have zoo personnel costs increased?  There are a few very good reasons.  First, the zoo employs more workers than in 2004.  In fact, during the accreditation process, the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) recommended that the zoo increase the number of staff.  Second, salaries that attract and retain good employees are being paid.  The zoo has a great HR Director who understands salaries and compensation issues.  As a result, the zoo has set salaries that are consistent with those in the industry. 

And this is all done without anyone at the zoo earning anywhere near $400,000.  And how can you be sure?  There are several reasons.  First, the zoo is audited by an independent CPA firm.  So is the Fresno Zoo Tax Authority.  Moreover, The zoo, which is actually "Fresno's Chaffee Zoo Corporation" files a tax return each year.  Because "ZooCorp" (as I call it) is a non-profit public benefit corporation its tax returns are public.  They can be found on a few websites.  One website that I use is

If you bother to look, you will see that there are only two ZooCorp employees who earn over $100,000.  And it's not much more than that.  Everyone else is below that $100,000 threshold.  Board members, who work many hours, and who also provide generous donations, don't receive a dime. 

Too bad the "primary adversary of all things zoo" didn't bother to look at the tax returns before making a claim that we have "City of Bell" problem with ZooCorp salaries.  It's not that the person was not informed.  That information was discussed at a public meeting where I was present. 

I guess it's just easier for some people to say whatever they want in order to achieve their goals.  I think we already identified that as Machiavellian.  (See my post of October 13, 2014.) 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Word of the Day is Mythomane

I love  Each day I am supplied with a new "word of the day."  Today's word is mythomane.  It is a person with a strong or irresistible propensity for fantasizing, lying, or exaggerating. 

Perhaps some of you received the "No on Z" mailer a couple of weeks ago.  I saved it because it contained so many lies.  Let me tell you one false of the false statements found on that mailer.  (If you are interested in seeing for yourself, the same is found on the No campaign website.) 

According to the mythomane who wrote the flyer, "The Sea Lion Cove was budgeted at $5 million; it actually cost $10.5 million." 

Sorry, that just isn't correct, accurate or complete.  And for someone who has been opposing ANY expansion at the zoo since the inception of Measure Z, this mythomane should have a prick of consciousness for writing that! 

Here are the facts:  The concept of a sea lion exhibit was discussed for some time.  The old exhibit was ancient and not a great place for the sea lions.  Costs were considered.  Without budgeting, without even a plan, design, or schematic someone thought a sea lion exhibit would cost $5 million. 

Once everyone agreed on a new sea lion exhibit, money was allocated to develop a plan.  The architects created what we now know as Sea Lion Cove.  Only after
the design was complete could the costs be budgeted.  The budget was set at $10.5 million.  The budget was NEVER $5 million.  Only after the plan was created could costs be identified. 

Fresno's Chaffee Zoo Corporation ("ZooCorp"), who operates the zoo, went to the Fresno Zoo Tax Authority with a plan and a budget of $10.5 million.  The Tax Authority reviewed and approved the plans and costs. 

Construction commenced.  The project was completed early and for $70,000 less than budgeted. 

Sea Lion Cove is also largely responsible for increasing zoo attendance by 28 percent. 

And don't forget, Sea Lion Cove won the Top Honor Exhibit Award in 2014 from the Association of Zoos and Aquariums.  (See some great photos on the website of Matt Construction, the general contractor, here: 

Sea Lion Cove is exactly the type of project we want to see repeated over and over in Fresno.  On time, under budget, and recognized by the entire country as the best exhibit for 2014.  So much for the exaggerations and lies perpetuated by our community mythomane!